Managing your own finances isn't kid stuff. WyHy knows you're ready to take on the responsibility. The WyHy Independence Account is the perfect way to start gaining your financial independence as you enter high school.
No parent/legal guardian required to be on the account – just like the name, this account is designed to give you Independence and begin learning how to handle an account on your own.
Key Features:
- No parent/legal guardian required to be on the account
- Designed for high school students
- No minimum balance requirements
- No monthly maintenance fees
- Unlimited access to Online and Mobile Banking
- Online Bill Pay
- Free Debit Card
- No Hidden Fees

Your Road To Financial Freedom
Kids who learn about personal finance early in life are more likely to make good financial decisions when they are older.
In addition, early financial literacy helps kids form responsible spending and saving habits throughout their life. They also turn into adults who are smart about investments!
What better way to learn about personal finance than through practice?

Engage, Explore, & Expand Your Knowledge
Did you know? Having access to programs that teach about money and having your own savings account can help you build really good money habits for the future.
And get this—teenagers who save money are more likely to plan on going to college or doing something after high school. So, by learning about money and saving up now, you're not just getting ready for your future, you're also aiming high for what comes next after high school!
What You Need To Know!
It's All Yours
No Worries
No overdrafts, no overdraft fees, no risk – You read that right, this account doesn’t carry any risk to you. We are trying to give you a leg up on handling your finances, not kick your legs out from under you with fees!