Tax Info
Tax season is upon us!
If you're expecting a tax refund this year, put it to good use! Consider opening a WyHy Certificate to grow your savings with a guaranteed return, or talk to our Wealth Management Team to explore smart investment options tailored to your financial goals. No matter the size of your refund, making strategic financial decisions today can set you up for success tomorrow.
Tax form # | Purpose | Who should receive this form? | When will this form be mailed? | Additional Information |
1098 | Mortgage Interest Paid | All WyHy loans will receive this form regardless of the amount paid. The IRS only requires financial institutions to send out this form on Home Equity/Second Mortgage Loans and RV loans when the interest paid is $600.00 or greater. | Deadline for mailing is January 31, 2024. | If you qualify but did not receive a 1098, please contact us. NOTE: You will not receive a letter if you did not pay the $600.00 minimum in interest for the tax year. |
1099INT | Interest earned on all accounts based on the primary SSN (excluding IRA/HSA accounts) | Anyone who has earned a total combined interest of $10.00 or greater. | Deadline for mailing is January 31, 2024. | To find the amount of interest earned for a specific account, please contact us. |
1099R | Traditional and Roth IRA distributions | Any person making a withdrawal from a Traditional or Roth IRA regardless of age. | Deadline for mailing is January 31, 2024. | We do not send notification to the IRS until the end of February to allow you time to review for corrections, if applicable. |
1099SA | HSA distributions | HSA distributions | Deadline for mailing is January 31, 2024. | We do not send notification to IRS until the end of February to allow you time to review for corrections, if applicable. |
1099Q | Coverdale/Educational IRA distributions | Any person making a withdrawal from a Coverdale/ Educational IRA | Deadline for mailing is January 31, 2024 | We do not send notification to the IRS until the end of February to allow you to review for corrections if applicable. |
5498 | Contributions to a Traditional and/or Roth IRA | Any person who has made a contribution for the prior tax year | Deadline for mailing is May 31st. Contributions can be made as late as April 15th of the following year for the prior tax year. | Although the Deadline is May 31st, we will mail your form ASAP to allow you time to review for corrections, if applicable. |
5498ESA | Contributions to a Coverdale or Educational IRA | Any person who has made a contribution for the prior tax year. | Deadline for mailing is May 31st. Contributions can be made as late as April 15th of the following year for the prior tax year. | Although the Deadline is May 31st, we will mail your form ASAP to allow you time to review for corrections, if applicable. |
5498SA | Contributions to an HSA | Any person who has made a contribution for the prior tax year. | Deadline for mailing is May 31st. Contributions can be made as late as April 15th of the following year for the prior tax year. | Although the Deadline is May 31st, we will mail your form ASAP to allow you time to review for corrections, if applicable. |