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Unlock Higher Returns with WyHy's New Money Market Rates!

Looking for a flexible savings option that offers competitive returns without tying up your funds?
person putting money in piggy bank
Look no further than WyHy's new higher MAX Money Market Rates! Our MAX Money Market Accounts provide the perfect balance of liquidity, earning potential, and convenience, making them an excellent choice for members looking to maximize their savings with no commitment.

Why Choose a Money Market Account?

  • Liquidity: Unlike traditional savings accounts, Money Market Accounts offer the flexibility to access your funds when you need them, without penalties or restrictions. Whether you're saving for a rainy day or planning for future expenses, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your money is readily available whenever you need it.
  • Competitive Returns: With WyHy's new higher Money Market Rates, you can earn more on your savings while still enjoying the convenience of easy access to your funds. Our competitive rates ensure that your money works harder for you, helping you reach your financial goals faster.
  • No Commitment: Unlike certificates or other long-term savings options, Money Market Accounts require no commitment, allowing you to deposit or withdraw funds as needed without locking them in for a set period. This flexibility makes Money Market Accounts ideal for members who want to maintain access to their savings while earning a higher return.

Features of WyHy's Money Market Accounts

  • Tiered Interest Rates: Our Money Market Accounts offer tiered interest rates based on your account balance, rewarding higher balances with even greater returns.
  • No Monthly Fees: Enjoy the benefits of our Money Market Accounts with no monthly maintenance fees, ensuring that your earnings stay where they belong—in your pocket.
  • Online and Mobile Access: Manage your Money Market Account conveniently from anywhere, with 24/7 access to online and mobile banking services.

How to Open a Money Market Account

Opening a MAX Money Market Account with WyHy is quick, easy, and hassle-free. Simply contact us or stop by one of our branch locations to speak with a member of our team.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to earn more on your savings while maintaining the flexibility and convenience you need. Open a MAX Money Market Account with WyHy today and start maximizing your savings with our new higher Money Market Rates!

We're with you!